An official State of New Hampshire government website
Department of Administrative Services

State of New Hampshire Telephone/Email Directory FAQ

Picture of the State House dome

What is the NH Employee Phone/Email Directory?

The Phone/Email Directory Search page is a searchable database listing of personnel working for the State of New Hampshire and is provided as a service by the Department of Administrative Services.

What is the source of information for the directory?

Information for state agency employees in the "State Employee" section of the directory comes from the state's NH FIRST System. NH FIRST is maintained by Administrative Services from information entered through an online data entry screen by each state agency.

How often is the information updated in the directory?

The employee information is updated whenever the agency Human Resource Officer updates the NH FIRST employee record. An extract is created nightly from the information in NH FIRST. This extract is then used to populate the directory database.

The information that appears in the directory is exactly as has been provided by information entered into NH FIRST by the agency's Human Resources Office.

How accurate is the personnel information in the directory?

The agency's Human Resource Officer is responsible for the accuracy and currency of each state agency employee's record. Each employee also has a responsibility to notify the agency's Human Resource Officer whenever a change in name, phone number, or email address occurs.

Why aren't all personnel listed in the directory?

Not all personnel have direct phone lines. In addition, agencies determine who should be listed in the directory for their agencies.

Why are "Division or Bureau", "Title", and email addresses sometimes missing?

It is the agency's discretion as to what information is entered into these fields in NH FIRST.

How do I correct missing or incorrect personnel information?

State employees are encouraged to check the accuracy of their information and report corrections directly to their agency's Human Resource Officer. Corrections must be entered into NH FIRST by the agency.

How can I exclude my name from the directory?

Although the intent of the directory is to provide a complete listing of state employees, it is recognized there may be extenuating circumstances that warrant the exclusion of an employee's name from the directory. Please contact your agency's Human Resource Officer.