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Welcome to the Real Property Asset Management System

In developing a standard format for all agencies to use in submitting the report required by RSA 4:39-e, Administrative Services (DAS) staff designed and constructed a central statewide database to receive, store, and manage information on all real property assets owned or leased by the State of New Hampshire. The search interface provided on the web page accessible from the "Real Property Asset Search" link on the left side of the screen allows full public access to most of the agency real property data currently populating the State Real Property Asset Database by way of custom data queries or searches. Such queries may be used to examine any particular subset of data which may be of interest. For those desiring a complete set of RSA 4:39-e Agency Real Property Reports as of the end of a given biennium, please click on the corresponding link at the left.

The range of included asset types is limited to land and buildings. Conservation easements, water rights, dams, and other State real property asset types have been temporarily excluded from the database but will be added in the future. The database has recently been upgraded to accommodate the collection of building information that has been annually collected from agencies by the DAS Risk Management Unit for property insurance purposes. Future plans for the database include the incorporation of historical real property asset acquisition and improvement cost data that has been annually collected from agencies by the DAS Division of Accounting Services for use in the State annual financial reports.

If you have any questions please contact Jared Nylund, Real Property Asset Manager, Department of Administrative Services at (603) 271-7644 or email jared.nylund@das.nh.gov.